SCAO Announces New Mediation Video
Categories: In the News
The following email was sent to the ADR Community today by Doug Van Epps, Director, Office of Dispute Resolution, State Court Administrative Office. I'm very proud of this and quote the email in its entirety below:
To the ADR Community:
Our office has posted a new video, "Making the Most of Mediation," on our website:
Its genesis was in an article Shel Stark published in the September 2013 ADR Section newsletter: "Making the Most of Mediation: 10 Top Tips for Maximizing Results in the Process."
While the article was directed toward lawyers, the "tips" seemed equally important for any mediation participant, so I asked Shel if he would be willing to tailor them to speak more toward parties who would be selecting a mediator and participating in the mediation process. Shel graciously accepted the challenge, and the video reflects his craftsmanship in distilling important considerations into 3-4 minute segments.
For attorneys representing parties in mediation: more likely you will have had a major hand in selecting the neutral, however reviewing the considerations with your client may help reveal information that would help guide the mediator selection process. And once a mediator is selected, the additional "tips" may help optimize your and your client's time with the mediator.
For mediators: it may be helpful to share the video with clients prior to their attending mediation.
For CDRP centers: the first section on mediator selection will not necessarily apply, however, in notices confirming mediation appointments, you could invite participants to review other segments of the video prior to attending mediation.
For now, the video is only accessible through the Office of Dispute Resolution link above. All feedback on the video is welcomed.
Our office is interested in developing additional "tools" and resources for ADR consumers. If you would like to recommend a resource, please feel free to be in touch.
Finally, I offer a hearty "thank you" to Shel for his significant investment of time in developing this presentation.
Doug Van Epps, Office of Dispute Resolution Director | Michigan Supreme Court | State Court Administrative Office
925 W. Ottawa St. | Lansing, MI 48913 | 517-373-4839 phone | 517-373-7548 fax
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